Top 1 rental apartments in or near Linton

1. Nodak Homes - Linton

Nodak Homes - Linton
800 E. Walnut
Linton, ND - 58552
46.2688590,-100.223515 Emmons County
(701) 254-4900
Nodak Homes - Linton provides apartments. Nodak Homes - Linton is a low rent apartment in Linton. This apartment provides low income seniors with homes. This does not necessarily

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More Low Income Apartment Options

Due to the small number of low income apartments in Linton we have listed some area listings below.

Hazelton Housing

Hazelton Housing

167 Cottage Street
Hazelton, ND - 58544
(701) 667-6002
Apartment Location: 10.94 miles from Linton

Hazelton Housing provides Senior apartments. Hazelton Housing is a low rent apartment in Hazelton. This apartment provides low income seniors with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.The government gives funds di... ...

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Strasburg Improvement Corp

Strasburg Improvement Corp

106 N Avenue A
Strasburg, ND - 58573
(701) 254-4900
Apartment Location: 13.93 miles from Linton

Strasburg Improvement Corp provides Senior apartments. Strasburg Improvement Corp is a low rent apartment in Strasburg. This apartment provides low income seniors with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.The gove... ...

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