Top 1 rental apartments in or near Harrisville

1. Edgeview Apartments

Edgeview Apartments
11 Edgeview Lane
Harrisville, WV - 26362
39.2045917,-81.0525962 Ritchie County
Edgeview Square Apartments provides Senior apartments. Edgeview Square Apartments is a low rent apartment in Harrisville. This apartment provides low income seniors with homes. Thi
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More Low Income Apartment Options

Due to the small number of low income apartments in Harrisville we have listed some area listings below.

Grantsville Manor

Grantsville Manor

High Street
Grantsville, WV - 25147

Apartment Location: 16.71 miles from Harrisville

Grantsville Manor provides apartments. Grantsville Manor is a low rent apartment in Grantsville. This apartment provides low income seniors with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.The government gives funds dir... ...

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Glenville Manor

Glenville Manor

597 W Main Street
Glenville, WV - 26351

Apartment Location: 17.63 miles from Harrisville

Glenville Manor provides apartments. Glenville Manor is a low rent apartment in Glenville. This apartment provides low income families with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.The government gives funds directly... ...

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Network Housing 90

Network Housing 90

33 W Gate Street
Columbus, OH - 43206
(614) 251-1700
Apartment Location: 17.91 miles from Harrisville


Network Housing 90 provides 16 low income apartments for those with disabilities. Network Housing 90 is a low rent apartment in Columbus. This apartment provides low income people with disabilities homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income a... ...

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Hadley Manor

Hadley Manor

505 Gallaher Street
Saint Marys, WV - 26170
304 464-5839
Apartment Location: 18.60 miles from Harrisville

Hadley Manor provides Senior apartments. Hadley Manor is a low rent apartment in Saint Marys. This apartment provides low income seniors with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments. The government gives funds dir... ...

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Belmont Manor

Belmont Manor

5 Clark Street
Belmont, WV - 26134

Apartment Location: 19.72 miles from Harrisville


Belmont Manor provides apartments. Belmont Manor is a low rent apartment in Belmont. This apartment provides low income families with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments. The government gives funds directly t... ...

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